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2006-2008 SPEECHES
21st Pacific Science Association Congress, Tokyo Japan
AcademyWomen 5th Annual Leadership Symposium (Arlington, VA; October 17-19, 2008)
Aspen Ideas Fest, Aspen CO
Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), Phoenix AZ
Barclays Global Investors
Branksome Hall
Brooking Institute
Center for the Study of the Presidency, Washington DC
Charter 100, Phoenix AZ
Cornell University
Embassy of the United States in Japan
General Electric
The Leaders Project, White Oak Foundation
National Press Club, Washington DC
Phoenix Chamber, Phoenix AZ
Possible Woman Leadership Conference 2008: Women, Power and Peace, Leadership for
a New Tomorrow, Atlanta GA
Salzburg Global Seminar, Chair, Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Schulich School of Business, York University
Sienna College
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Women and the Executive Office (Women & Politics Institute; November 15, 2008)
Women's Foundation, Hong Kong, China
Women's Leadership Workshop: Breaking Barriers (Washington, DC; September 17, 2008)
Working Breakfast of Women Executives (Denver, CO; August 25, 2008)
World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland
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